Girl, 5, rips up ultrasound photo after her mum reveals pregnancy

2018-07-12 11

The prospect of a new addition to the family thrills some people – but may be hard to swallow for others.

This was certainly the case when Tiffany McCall decided to reveal her pregnancy to her daughter, Braylee.

In a video filmed in their home in Anderson, South Carolina, the five-year-old empties out a gift bag to find some clothes and a picture of an ultrasound scan.

"You're gonna be a big sister," says McCall.

But Braylee doesn't take the news well.

Sending a darting look between McCall and her off-screen husband, Landon, Braylee insists: "You're just kidding!"

When it all becomes clear that it is not a joke, Braylee rips up the photo and discards it in disgust.

McCall told Newsflare: "She also wants a brother and she's adamant about being upset if we have a girl.

"Should be interesting to see the reveal!"

The clip was filmed on June 20.