New Year’s Celebrations Around The World! New year, a time to celebrate the passing of the earth around the sun once more. But does every country celebrate it the same way?? Or at least the same day? From burning scarecrows to carrying tar barrels on fire, here are the most bizarre and unexpected new year’s celebrations you want to know. If you like the video click the subscribe button and let us know what other fun and unexpected customs and traditions about New year’s celebrations you do want to know about
#12 The Dancing Bears
During the year, you may attend fun celebrations that require costums, and Halloween is typically one of them. But who would ever think that one will require you to dress as a fierce animal? in Romania, between Christmas and the new year during the festival of Ursul, the entire community dress up like bears. gypsies hold bears as sacred animals who will protect the Roma people from evil spirits and to bring a prosperous new year. that’s why, they pretend to roll over and pass away to miraculously resurrect representing the passing of winter and the rebirth of spring.
#11 Hand Me The Dozen
#10 Years Behind!
#9 House Opening!
#8 Important Color Combination!
#7 Let Nature Parade
It seems like not only the Romanian gypsies have a blast dressing up like bears for the new years celebrations. If you go to Spain, you will feel as if the nature people were coming to life!! In silio’ Spain there is a celebration called the Vijanera. It happens on the first Sunday of the new year. and is designed to protect the town from evil and bring prosperity. There are several characters in the celebration and each represents part of the old year and the hopes for the new one. In this celebration, different form the gypsies, the bear is evil incarnate.
#6 New York Style
#5 Throwing The House Out The Window!
#4 Firing It Up For Luck
#3 Father Of The Year!
#2 Carrying the Barrels Of Fire!
#1 Largest Birthday Party
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