FASCINATING Truths About The White House and Congress YOU Want to Know

2018-07-08 1

FASCINATING Truths About The White House and Congress YOU Want to Know. From burning down the House to losing the china in a poker game and ghosts roaming around, lets discover the White House and Congress of the USA.

#15 The Name Changer
In school we read stories about the white house and even though George Washington did not live in it, he oversaw the design. Formerly known as “president’s house” Or “Executive Mansion” Its name changed years later after the 1814 burning of the property. The structure was originally the color of the construction material and in order to hide the burning marks left after the fire, it was painted white…

#14 A Free Of Charge
Speaking of George Washington, US congress voted to pay him $25, 000 USD and he refused since he was doing it for the nation. Later reconsidered it so to not set a precedent where only wealthy people would become presidents without needing to get paid. Clever on all angles!

#13 Unusual Pets
When we think of a pet, a dog, a cat or even a fish comes to mind. Some presidents liked having horses Yet others had a herd of Asian Elephants given by the king of Siam to James Buchanan. 2 tiger cubs from the sultan of Oman to Martin Van Buren. but one was the most philanthropic of all. Woodrow Wilson had a herd of sheep roaming freely in the loan of the WH. The reason. Besides their cuteness, the wool was sold to raise funds for the Red Cross. Definitely more manageable that elephants and tigers.

#12 Stars And Up
#11 Coincidence?
#10 The Fight Club
#9 Opposing Views

#8 Free Greetings!
Haven’t you ever wanted to impress your family or friends with a letter addresses to you from the White House? You can! A US Citizen can request a greeting card for occasions such as weddings, births, anniversaries and more! You just have to ask them in advance and there would one be waiting in your mailbox! For FREE

#7 Forced Remodeling
You know that the U.S white house as it stands is a newer model of the original. In 1812 right before the invasion of British troops, President Madison’s wife was able to rescue valuable items such as a painting of Washington as well as a copy of the declaration of independence! What would you have saved?

#6 The Anti-Lazy Law
#5 Of Ghosts And Other Phenomena
#4 The Added Ons
#3 The Beginning Of The Library

#2 No Free Lunch For You!
You probably wonder who pays for the daily expenses of the president and his family… and the answer is them, not us. Dry cleaning, clothing…

#1 No Shopping Out!
How cool would it be to have a mall right under your home?.. the multilevel basement of the wh has one, besides the situation room and a bowling alley, the shopping

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