Tomi Lahren Says Calls For Overturning Roe v. Wade A 'Big Mistake'

2018-07-07 29

Tomi Lahren is voicing her opposition to calls for overturning Roe v. Wade.

Conservative commentator Tomi Lahren recently said that "pressing for a Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade would be a big mistake." 
She made the comment in a Fox News video where she starts her "Final Thoughts" monologue by admitting: "I'm going to say something some of my fellow conservatives and Trump supporters may not like. But I must be true to my beliefs, whatever the party line." 
Lahren goes on to acknowledge the appeal of advocating for a pro-life justice to fill the Supreme Court vacancy but says, "we lose when we start messing with social issues." 
Instead, she argues that conservatives should focus on more inclusive issues like the economy, foreign policy, tax reform, and immigration. In doing so, she states that "we'll sail into 2020 with all three government branches in our control. That's how we get things done for the American people. That's how we win." 
As for the current Supreme Court vacancy, President Trump has indicated that he will continue to choose conservative judges but will likely not ask about Roe v. Wade, the high-court case which legalized abortion. 
Meanwhile, Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine has been more outspoken about the issue, telling CNN: "I would not support a nominee who demonstrated hostility to Roe v. Wade."
According to her, such a person would have an "activist agenda" which she opposes.