Fortune High-Tech Marketing FHTM is a home based business thats in the communication industry. There are just a handful of MLMs that are successfully capitolizing on the newest trends and Fortune High-Tech Marketing FHTM just might be one of them. NOt having any experience with Fortune High-Tech Marketing FHTM personally Im not sure how there compensation plan rewards its top performers. I encourage you to reallly look into Fortune High-Tech Marketing FHTM compensation plan and See how there compensation plan pays out. There is one company that I know not only walks the walk when it comes to company perks... But it also talks the talk! This company has two company cars A BMW that you are able to customize as well ad a Bentley. This company was actually the first to give away a free Bentley about a year ago and have given away 5 more since! After doing your reasearch on Fortune High-Tech Marketing FHTM and you arent pleased with the compensation plan I invite you to