Trump Lashes Out At Democrats Over Calls To Abolish ICE, Says 'Next It Will Be Police'

2018-06-30 13

President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Democrats over immigration.

President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Democrats amid growing calls to abolish the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency.
"The Democrats are making a strong push to abolish ICE, one of the smartest, toughest and most spirited law enforcement groups of men and women that I have ever seen. I have watched ICE liberate towns from the grasp of MS-13 & clean out the toughest of situations. They are great!" Trump tweeted.
He wrote in another tweet: "To the great and brave men and women of ICE, do not worry or lose your spirit. You are doing a fantastic job of keeping us safe by eradicating the worst criminal elements. So brave! The radical left Dems want you out. Next it will be all police. Zero chance, It will never happen!"
His tweets follow Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's remarks in a CNN interview on Thursday.
"I don't think ICE today is working as intended. ... I believe that it has become a deportation force, and I think you should separate the criminal justice from the immigration issues," she said. "I think you should reimagine ICE under a new agency with a very different mission and take those two missions out."