Florida Woman Smashes Wine, Injures Fish After Being Asked for ID at Liquor Store

2018-06-28 24

A woman injured a pet fish when she knocked his bowl and several wine bottles off the counter at a liquor store in Spring Hill, Florida, on June 27, angry at being refused sale of cigarettes and liquor when she couldn’t produce identification.

“The lady came earlier without an id and returned again and cooped [sic] an attitude when the clerk was explaining that she even needs to id for cigarettes and you can see in my posted video that she grab the cigarettes [sic] to sell her and pointed at them explaining that,” said a member of Karma Liquors’ staff in a message to Storyful. However, Sharkbait, the shop’s pet fish, was injured in the process. “Luckily our fish is still alive with one deflated eye which happens from lack of oxygen for fish.”

Thankfully, Sharkbait is recuperating and got a bigger tank, according to an update posted on their Facebook page. Credit: Karma Liquor via Storyful