Consequences of U.S. trade war begin as Harley Davidson moves production overseas

2018-06-27 1

미국발 무역전쟁, 미국 역풍 맞나? - 신상협 교수 대담

Joining us in the studio to discuss Harley Davidson's decision and other U.S. trade issues, we have with us Professor Shin Sang-hyup from Kyunghee University. Professor Shin, thank you for joining us.

My pleasure.

1 - Motorcycle-maker Harley Davidson has said it will move some of its production to outside of the U.S. to avoid EU tariffs. Can you explain to our viewers how the tariffs would have affected the company and why they made the decision that they did?

2 - President Trump took to Twitter to express his disappointment at Harley Davidson's decision, describing it as 'waving the white flag' and surrendering. Does this show that Trump's plan is backfiring?

3 - Earlier this month, the Trump administration imposed a 25% tariff on imports of steel, and a 10% tariff on aluminum, on the EU, Canada and Mexico. The EU has responded in kind with retaliatory tariffs worth 2.8 billion Euros on U.S. goods. There are impending tit-for-tat tariffs with China. Has the trade war started?

4 - With China there is another concern supposedly for Trump and the U.S. The Wall Street Journal reported that the Treasury Department is looking to try and block firms with 25 percent Chinese ownership from investing in US companies with "industrially significant technology." That means they are trying to stop China acquiring technology and hardware from the U.S. via these companies. Is Trump actually able to stop that?

5 - China is also planning its own retaliatory measures. What do you think they could be? What would really hurt the U.S.?

6 - A U.S.-China trade war will hurt many other countries, but perhaps one of the most vulnerable is South Korea, which has close economic and political ties with both. Have we seen any effects yet?

7 - Do you think the trade tensions between the U.S. and China could also effect the delicate situation with North Korea as well, as the U.S. continues to try and denuclearize the regime?

8 - Chinese Vice Premier Liu He met with European Commission Vice President Jyrki (Jurki) Katainen. They pledged to work together against trade protectionism, but although some had expected they would reach some specific policy responses against the U.S. tariffs nothing was agreed. Why do you think that is, and do you see China and the EU working more closely together in the near future?

9 - The EU, Canada and other countries challenged the U.S. steel and aluminium tariffs by taking it to the World Trade Organization. How do you think the WTO will rule?

10 -July 6th is the deadline, when the U.S. and China trade tariffs come into force. Do you think there could be any deal or action before then?

Thank you for your time.

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