Dog refuses to pay attention to owner during #whatthefluff prank

2018-06-22 59

++CLIENTS PLEASE NOTE: THIS VIDEO HAS BEEN LOOPED++ The #whatthefluffchallenge prank, which involves owners olding up a sheet, stepping out of view and letting the sheet fall to the floor, is making its round on social media. Inspired by other dogs' reactions, this owner decided to test it out on her dog, Sugar – but she just couldn't care less.

In the video, Keely Nicole McCool is holding a sheet in front of her and trying to get Sugar's attention. The dog is wholly uninterested and doesn't even look at her, insisting on facing away and minding her own business instead. McCool collapses into laughter at her hilariously oblivious dog, who then lays down to further emphasise her lack of interest in the prank.

Dogs who have been filmed reacting to the viral prank fall largely into two categories: either extremely confused at their owners' sudden disappearance and frantically looking around for them, or entirely uninterested in the whole thing. Needless to say, Sugar heads this second group!