Brittany Hughes Crushes Liberal Hypocrisy & Fake News on Border Kids

2018-06-22 3

MRC TV-- Of course there are real asylum seekers, and it's too bad that the U.S immigration system is clogged up by so many fake asylum seekers that the real ones can't get adequately processed. It's curious that all the people on Facebook posting about kids being separated at the U.S. - Mexico border never had a single thing to say about all the thousands upon thousands of unaccompanied minors that also, by definition, were separated from family. They are a much larger group than the ones separated from family at the border. Nobody gave a crap about them as they struggled through a dangerous desert with coyote rapists and drug mules.

...BUT if Trump is involved, then everybody is outraged about kids separated from families even though they are removed from detention centers in usually 24 hours and put into nice facilities with plenty of food and games and councilors and teachers which these Facebook videos NEVER show. The accompanying adult can get the child back in 24 hours if they agree to leave the country. The kids are held a max 20 days. I was forced to go to summer camp every year way longer than that, and I didn't have the games these kids have in the facilities.

Ask liberals that don't seem to care about illegal crossings this question...

We already turn a million new immigrants into U.S. citizens every year. So, how many immigrants, legal or illegal, can this country absorb before they overwhelm our Welfare System, School System, Healthcare System and Justice System? ...What is the number?

Keep in mind...

1. Illegals don't pay federal and state income tax unless they got a SSN somehow.

2. U.S. citizen children get less attention from teachers and less services at school because of illegal immigrant kids increasing class sizes. Taxpayers pay to accommodate them.

3. Taxpayers foot the bill for emergency room and medical services to illegals.

4. According to the U.S. sentencing commission Illegal commit disproportionately more crime than U.S. citizens, double the murder and robberies. Besides the burden to the victims, taxpayers have to pay for the Justice System to deal with that.

5. Australia has a living wage of $17.70 per hour because they don't import a glut of low wage workers into their country. They have way stricter immigration laws than we do. They'll put you on an island, then deport you. Mexico itself has tougher immigration laws than the U.S.

6. Illegal immigrants obtain welfare through their U.S. born kids. Approximately 62 percent of households run by an illegal immigrant receive welfare of some sort.

7. The Mexican government actively assists its own poor and other migrants to illegally cross the border because the United States is Mexico's social safety net. Mexico receives more money sent back by illegal immigrants than from sales of its greatest export, oil. Billions of dollars that illegal immigrants make in the U.S. get sent out of the U.S. economy.

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