In-depth: Prof. An Jun-seong

2018-06-21 10

대담: 안준성 교수

This is when we would normally wrap things up.
But today our newscast continues, as we bring you live from Moscow, another historic first by the liberal leader.
Moon Jae-in is set to become the first president of an Asian nation to address the State Duma, the lower house of Russia's Federal Assembly.
Among other topics, he is likely to focus on sharing his vision of the New Northern Policy.
To expand Seoul's diplomatic and economic horizons with its Eurasian neighbors.
That means boosting Seoul-Moscow relations is a crucial step.
To help us navigate through the historic events set to unfold before us.
We have professor AN Jun-seong from the Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei University.
Good to have you with us.

Thank you for having me.

Another milestone visit by President Moon.
This state visit is in fact the first visit by a South Korean leader to Moscow in this century.
How would you gauge the significance of tonight's develoments.

It's likely the president will seek Moscow's support in achieving denuclearization and peace on the peninsula.
What specific role would he ask Russia to play?

Seoul-Moscow Economic cooperation.
What specific details will the two sides be able to iron out?

With the thawing inter-Korean ties...
Hopes are high trilateral economic projects involving Russia could take off.
- What are the key areas?
- How can the joint projects be successful?
What role are each tasked with.