Terry Silverlight Drum Solo#1

2008-09-01 240

Drummer Terry Silverlight solos over this riff . Accompanied by Barry Miles-piano, Will Lee -bass, David Mann-tenor sax and Aaron Heick-soprano sax.
Hear this song and more great performances on Terry Silverlight's CD,
"WILD!!", available at http://terrysilverlight.com, http://iTunes/terrysilverlight, http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/TerrySilverlight.
This is an excerpt from a TV show recorded in honor of the legendary percussionist/author/educator, Morris "Arnie" Lang.
Courtesy of Bronxnet TV, Allan Molnar, Marcelo Mendez, Michael Max Knobbs, Keith Brown, and Karl Watson from the Lehman College Music Dept.
