The football World cup is on, now imagine a team where the captain needs to score about 83 crore goals to win the match. He's up against captain corruption and strike apathy and goal keeper red tape and some members of his own team are busy insisting they should be captain, blocking every pass, disputing even the off-field coaches, claiming the umpires are biased in the captain's favour and disagree even with the rules of the game. That's Narendra Modi's challenge today when he appealed to 23 Chief Ministers and other Union Territory Lt governors to create a team India. In fact team India was hung up on a big board behind his shoulder. The next year is going to a hot political one, it should be. But can we afford to waste it in politics alone when India's rise or collapse as superpower is risked on the short-time frame of our young population either we get it right now, or we get it right never. The BJP itself, with every state it wins has extra players on the team, so their excuses missing goals is also falling. In the end, we're all on the same team, if we win, we all win, if we lose, god forbid. So how do we play as a team in a year of polarised elections?