Trump-Kim phone call awaits as post-summit follow-up actions set to start

2018-06-18 0

‘포스트 북미’, 남북미 숨 가쁜 일주일 - 우정엽 박사 대담

To discuss these latest developments, we have joining us in the studio Dr. Woo Jung-yeop, a research fellow from the Sejong Institute. Dr. Woo thank you for time.

My pleasure.

1 - Trump and Kim have exchanged numbers. They said they are going to call, and it's only been a few days since they met at the summit in Singapore. How significant is this, considering that just 6-7 months ago they were throwing insults at each other and were at the brink of war? How unprecedented is this between a leader of North Korea and the U.S.?

2 - What do you think the two will talk about if they do call?

3 - Do you think Kim and Trump will install a direct hotline between the two, like Moon and Kim have done now? How would that be different than the current numbers they have exchanged?

4 - Working level talks between North Korea and the U.S. could take place this week to implement the June 12 declaration. Pompeo said last week that they would be happening... but what do you think they will talk about and what can actually come out of those talks?

5 - One of the most controversial results to come of the Singapore summit was for Trump to announce that he would be ending the joint military drills with South Korea. President Moon Jae-in has since said that they will announce their stance on this soon too. What can we expect and do you think it really will happen?

6 - There are reports coming out that say Seoul is looking to agree on a 'snapback' clause. That would allow the drills to be re-started immediately should North Korea show any signs they are not taking steps to denuclearize. How do you rate this plan?

7 - Today the two Koreas held talks over joint sporting ventures. On Friday they're also going to meet to talk about separated family reunions. And also, in between those talks, a delegation of officials and private businesses are going to Kaesong to look into setting up the joint liaison office that was agreed between the two Koreas previously. As long as the North Korea-U.S. relationship stays good, we can probably predict that these ventures will go well too? Do you think they will want to drag their feet at all?

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