S. Korean military begins two-day bi-annual maritime exercises for defense of Dokdo Monday

2018-06-18 1

South Korea's military began its twice-a-year maritime exercises today.
The two days of drills are aimed at better protecting the country's easternmost islets of Dokdo.
Our Defense ministry correspondent Park Ji-won has more.
South Korea's Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and the Coast Guard began their regular two-day maritime drills on Monday,... on the nation's easternmost island of Dokdo,... and the surrounding East Sea.
South Korea's Navy says the maritime exercises are held,... in conjunction with field training exercises by the Navy's First Fleet.
Six warships,... including a 32-hundred ton destroyer,... as well as seven aircraft, including Navy P-3 maritime patrol aircraft, Lynx helicopters, and Air Force F-15k fighter jets,... are participating in the drills.
According to South Korea's defense ministry Monday morning,... the Dokdo defense exercise is a regular navy exercise,.. aiming at preventing external forces' infiltration into the South Korean territory of Dokdo.
The Dokdo exercises date back to 1986,... and have been held twice a year since 2003. The drills last took place in December last year.
South Korea's navy official told Arirang News Monday, that these drills are similar in size and level to previous years.
Meanwhile, Japan's media outlets reported that Tokyo's foreign ministry protested to Seoul through a diplomatic channel, saying the maritime exercise is unacceptable,... considering the Japanese government's stance over Dokdo.
Japan has been intensifying its wrongful territorial claims over South Korea's easternmost island of Dokdo,... which has belonged to South Korea historically for thousands of years,... and is under the legal and effective control of the South Korean government.
Park Ji-won, Arirang News.