President Moon convenes full NSC meeting to address outcome of the Singapore summit

2018-06-14 0

국가안전보장회의 개최 결과

President Moon who Jae-in played a crucial role in making the Pyongyang-Washington summit happen.
The great facilitator revealed his stance on the event's outcome at his NSC meeting.
Cha Sang-mi starts things off from the nation's top office.
Seoul's top office convened a full meeting of the National Security Council to further discuss the outcome of the June 12th landmark Singapore summit.
President Moon Jae-in chaired the NSC meeting on Thursday afternoon,... for an hour and a half, with his top aides including Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon, National Security Advisor Chung Eui-yong, and Foreign Affairs Minister Kang Kyung-hwa.
President Moon heralded the leaders of North Korea and the United States on their decision to establish a new era of Pyongyang-Washington ties.

"Above all, it is important that the two sides together perceived that ending their military tensions and hostility through the establishment of a new North Korea-U.S. relationship is the only path to bringing peace to the Korean peninsula. Now, the two Koreas and the U.S. are all on the same page when it comes to achieving complete denuclearization and prosperity of the Korean peninsula."

President Moon also recalled that last year's escalating tension between Seoul and Pyongyang was overcame with the start of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in February, followed by the historic inter-Korean summits that led to the unprecedented Pyongyang-Washington summit.
He called on his foreign and security officials to lay out details to the denuclearization roadmap, so that the process can be carried out accordingly.
Moon underscored the importance of approaching peace and development of the Korean Peninsula through a more comprehensive stance.

"We will have to take a hopeful step forward to get out of the frame of armistice regime, and promote balanced inter-Korean development and go further to establish a common prosperity of the Northeast Asia."

Reffering to the resumption of inter-Korean cooperation and exchanges, President Moon called for bold and innovative challenges to connect the South and North together.

As for the dispute over Trump's comment on the vsuspension of the joint South Korea-U.S. military exercises, Moon said the South Korean government will cautiously look into the matter and discuss the matter closely with Washington.
Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.

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