Tommy Robinson protest ends in violence and multiple arrests

2018-06-11 38

Five people were arrested at a central London protest in support of jailed far-right leader Tommy Robinson on June 9 as the demonstration turned into a tense stand-off with outnumbered police.

This video, a compilation of a number of clips from a Newsflare member present at the protest, shows the scene at Trafalgar Square that day.

According to local media, protesters blocked off a major road around the square and crowded onto an open-top sightseeing bus that had veered into the area, forcing tourists to have to alight. The videos capture protestors scaling the vehicle and chanting, while others on the ground held up signs in support of the jailed activist.

Despite heavy police presence on site, the violent crowd could not be kept under control, with some protestors throwing missiles and smoke bombs at security. Five people were arrested, among them charges for possession of an offensive weapon and assault on an officer.

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