Sagging skin on the thighs and physical exercises

2018-06-09 14

The effects of aging and gravity can lead to the lack of tonus of the skin on the interior and exterior parts of the thighs, causing the skin to sag and to lose its smooth aspect. This condition can be accentuated by significant weight loss that usually occurs after multiple pregnancies or bariatric surgery.

In some cases, it is another plastic surgery intervention that has caused the sagginess. I am talking about liposuction performed on a patient with a poor skin condition.

Generally speaking, the external side of the thighs is affected sooner than the internal side. Aside from the sagging aspect of the skin, the thighs are also an area where fat tends to accumulate, and the excess of adipose tissue produces an unsightly contour. For many people, especially women, these fat deposits won’t be reduced when weight loss occurs or with the help of physical exercises.

When it comes to sagging skin on the thighs, don’t count on physical exercises to help you correct it. The only effective method to fix this aesthetic imperfection is the thigh lift procedure. This intervention entails an incision in the inguinal area that can be extended up to the level of the hips and sometimes down in the thigh.