SIERRA LEONE:-...We have started a fight that we have not yet completed says President Koroma. (referring to the current Ebola-Survivors issue and Guinea's sti

2018-06-07 0

SIERRA LEONE:-...We have started a fight that we have not yet completed says President Koroma.
(referring to the current Ebola-Survivors issue and Guinea's still battling with the virus)
President Koroma said " I feel happy because we (Sierra Leoneans) consider It (Ebola) the end of a journey that has been very difficult for our nation."

He also said:-
"I believe it is the most difficult journey that we have embarked on as a nation, in which we have lost a lot of compatriots, the economy went down and we have been through a period of international isolation, so coming out of this, it brings with it a great moment of relief and joy."

When asked:-
"Are you worried about the International community,the donors,thinking it's all over now,.. we are packing up and leaving?"
He responded by saying: -
"Well we have started a fight that we have not yet completed., .... today we are out of it and we'll be declared Ebola free and we still have survivors, we still have Guinea that is registering cases and we know how it all happened in 2014, so until all of these issues are completely under control we'll appeal to the International community for us to stay engaged."