San Francisco Employment Law Firm Encourages Employees to Know Their Rights

2018-06-06 2

California law protects employees from a wide range of labor violations including wrongful termination, retaliation, discrimination, harassment and wage theft. However, employees sometimes may not realize they are experiencing illegal behavior in the workplace at the hands of their employers, supervisors or coworkers. Knowing and understanding your rights as an employee is important so that you can take appropriate legal action when necessary.

Employers also cannot fire or retaliate against employees for discriminatory reasons. For example, California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act makes it illegal for employers to discriminate against employees based on their disability. Employers are required to offer reasonable accommodation that helps the employee continue performing their daily tasks, whether it is a modified schedule, specially installed equipment or other means.

The lawyers at McCormack & Erlich are experienced in fighting to protect the rights of employees who have experienced various labor violations and been treated unfairly in the workplace. Contact the experienced employment attorneys at McCormack & Erlich today to learn more.

McCormack & Erlich
150 Post Street, Suite 742
San Francisco, CA 94108
Phone: (888) 465-5110
Local: (415) 296-8420