George Kohlrieser on Changing Mindsets

2018-06-06 3

George Kohlrieser explains that leaders need to know how to overcome negativity and as well as create a culture of bond building in their organizations.

Kohlrieser: The power of influencing and leading and changing mindsets, which fundamentally leaders have to do, it's through questions, asking what is inside, getting through questions a change of mindset. So when you had arrogance, you had this closed minded attitude, you see then it takes more time, it takes more patience to try to work with those people to come through. The other is where you have territoriality, people who do not know how to form bonds. The research shows about 20% of the population do not know how to create human bonding. Mostly male and many of them are in top positions in organizations. They have never learned how to create human bonds. They're goal focused, they're number focused, they're driven by competition, territoriality, but not by the human element. And you look at Jim Collins' book on "Good to Great," you'll see that all of those leaders, number 1, went through personal losses or professional losses. They recovered from them, rebonded, but they were focused on the bonding process. 5th level leadership, as he talks about, is fundamentally being able to putting others before yourself, and that, When you see this selfishness, you see this narcissism, you see this tendency to not be able to create social bonding, that's where I know we got to challenge.

Kohlrieser: The power of influencing and leading and changing mindsets, which fundamentally leaders have to do, it's through questions, asking what is inside, getting through questions a change of mindset. So when you had arrogance, you had this closed minded attitude, you see then it takes more time, it takes more patience to try to work with those people to come through. The other is where you have territoriality, people who do not know how to form bonds. The research shows about 20% of the population do not know how to create human bonding. Mostly male and many of them are in top positions in organizations. They have never learned how to create human bonds. They're goal focused, they're number focused, they're driven by competition, territoriality, but not by the human element. And you look at Jim Collins' book on "Good to Great," you'll see that all of those leaders, number 1, went through personal losses or professional losses. They recovered from them, rebonded, but they were focused on the bonding process. 5th level leadership, as he talks about, is fundamentally being able to putting others before yourself, and that, When you see this selfishness, you see this narcissism, you see this tendency to not be able to create social bonding, that's where I know we got to challenge.