Kabbalah expert Michael Laitman describes the human desire for clarity.
Michael Laitman: All religions and belief systems, all kinds of esoteric and mysticism stem from the fact that a person doesn't see the world. If the whole world had been open to us and we could see the full picture of what is happening, there would be no room for blind faith or for religion. Everything would be visible.
And that's why we need to realize the wisdom of Kabbalah to implement it because it leaves nothing closed, unseen, or miscomprehended. It makes you understand everything and be able to use everything. And that elevates us, really, to the degree of God, meaning to the highest degree of nature.
As it is actually written in the Bible, they show, all know me from the least of them unto the greatest of them.
In other words, it's about knowing this higher force, the force of God. And that's what people need, every person. And then, we will not make mistakes and we won't be able to make mistakes.
Recorded on: May 7, 2009.