Secret Societies

2018-06-05 4

21st century’s greatest discoveries are the Secret Societies of the past. Secret societies had the destinies of the human kind since so many years so far. They dominated the commons. They continued to fore tell the future of the commons.
It is just their goals that the commons do manifest without even an iota of doubt about following the instructions of someone else. These prime massive goals from the Secret Societies are kept hidden.
Acerenza is one of the most important places in the history, where the Secret Societies operated on under cover. It is in southern Italy, where most of the Secret Societies conspiracies were plotted with diligence.
Basilicata is one another town in the same place and also many other towns were used by the eminent men and scholars of the past to arrive at some key decisions. Masonic activities and the practices were made here in the Potenza province. No written works had these mentioned in about the connections. It was not realized by any commons for long time about the operations of these Secret Societies.
Template knights Secret Societies operations began at acerenza as per the recent findings. It is easy to find the clues of the very first of the Secret Societies in Lucania.
Magna Grecian Period
500 BC is the Magna Grecian period. Esoteric school was opened by the famous mathematician Pythagoras at that point of time. The world knew Pythagoras even today for his contributions as a genius in the math. The formula that he found in math for the right angle triangle forms the basis for too many mathematical wonderful derivations today. If that is the case, then the personality has to be trusted for his wits and intellectual abilities for certain. In this esoteric school about 37 miles from the sea, at Metapontum, members have to be sworn in first of all, before getting trained.
Superior humans to be created in the attempt were the objective of Pythagoras with that school. Half man and half God, or the demy Gods were the objectives here for Pythagoras. He aspired to create those super humans. Spiritual rituals were frequently done with the hope that they can accomplish their targets in time. Later Pythagoras realized that his knowledge was not quite sufficient. He was in search for adapted spirits of serenity. It is to achieve the key objectives of the esoteric schools. It is how one can get the knowledge that is sufficient to become God-like.