North Korea-U.S. Summit D-7: Previewing details of the Kim-Trump meeting

2018-06-05 14

북미정상회담 D-7 - 봉영식 박사 대담

To preview this historic meeting between the North Korean and U.S. leaders, we have with us Dr. Bong Young-shik from the Yonsei Institute for North Korean Studies. It's good to have you with us again.

Pleasure to be here.

1 - The White House has revealed that Kim Jong-un and Trump will meet at 9am in Singapore. However, we currently have no idea how long they will meet for, whether it will be a marathon session or just a meet and greet, or a 'getting to know you' meeting as Trump has previously suggested. What do you think we should expect?

2 - As long expected, it seems the Shangri-la Hotel will be where the summit is held. What do you know of the Shangri-la and what do you think of that choice? What do you think is the most important aspect of the location?

3 - The fact that this detail of the time of the summit has been announced, does it show the progress being made at the working-level talks and behind-the-scenes?

4 - Considering that just over a week ago, Trump had announced the talks had been cancelled, it's quite a turnaround. Do you think it shows how badly the two sides want this to happen, especially North Korea, who have conceded the high ground after Trump pulled that stunt?

5 - Now that the date and time is set for the Kim-Trump summit, we can't help but start imagining what that encounter will look like. The U.S. magazine, Politico had a very good piece looking at all aspects of the meeting, from the handshake to the potential meal and gift-giving. The top priority on the list however was security. How big will the security operation have to be?

6 - The physical aspects have also been analyzed in the report, such as handshakes, and their height and age difference. How important is image for Kim and what demands might be made?

7 - The question of whether they will issue a joint communique has also been raised. Trump has said he never expected anything to be resolved in one meeting, suggesting that there could be no substantial agreement or progress to come out of the summit. What do you think?

8 - The meeting with Trump will mean Kim will have to leave North Korea for a day, possibly longer. It's the furthest he has travelled since he came to power in 2011. Are there any risks to his regime if he is so far away for such a time?

9 - So far there has been no word on North Korean state media about the summit over the last few days. No mention that the summit is back on or that Kim Yong-chol met with Trump, etc... What should we read into this?

10 - There are reports coming today that say Air China is restarting its flights from Beijing to Pyongyang. They were stopped six months ago as a gesture towards sanctions and putting pressure on the regime. But now they are starting again, does it already show that the pressure on North Korea is being lifted?

11 - The South Korean government has been conspicuously quiet as developments have been taking place over th

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