Pet dog dies during flight layover in Michigan

2018-06-04 2

MICHIGAN — A man and his girlfriend were devastated when they found their dog that had been placed on a Delta flight had passed away during a layover.

Michael Dellegrazie and his girlfriend were traveling from Phoenix to Newark, New Jersey, and had decided to put their pomeranian, Alejandro, on a plane. They planned to pick the pooch up at Newark Airport, CNN reported.

There was a layover in Detroit, where the 8-year-old dog was held in a cargo facility.

Evan Oshan, Dellegrazie's attorney, claims Alejandro was alive when he arrived in Detroit, but a little while afterward he was dead when someone went to check on him, Fox News reported.

Delta officials say the pet was discovered in a cage with vomit and fluids, according to a CNN report.

Oshan said the family is very upset and added that "this is essentially their family member who died. To say they are upset is a gross understatement."

In a statement, Delta Airlines said, "We know pets are an important member of the family and we are focused on the well-being of all animals we transport."

Delta added that they are conducting a thorough review of the situation and are working with Alejandro's family to make sure this doesn't happen again.