意大利佛羅倫斯 /羅馬 /拿坡里 - 意式紅酒燴牛肉 Florence/Rome/Naples, Italy - Peposo

2018-06-04 1

Lets continue with our Honeymoon journey. Three cruise destinations in one , and well be making a beautiful Tuscany dish.\r
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牛肩肉1.5公斤 - 1.5kg of beef chuck\r
紅洋蔥1個 - 1 red onion\r
蒜頭10粒 - 10 cloves of garlic\r
黑胡椒碎3湯匙 - 3tbsp of coarse black pepper\r
鹽2湯匙 - 2tbsp of salt\r
碎番茄1罐(或3個新鮮番茄)- 1 can of diced tomatoes (or 3 fresh tomatoes)\r
紅酒1支 - 1 bottle of red wine (preferably Italian)\r
迷迭香2條 - 2 sprigs of rosemary\r
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