Terrifying moment charging lions damaged woman's car by jumping on roof at safari park

2019-03-08 3

This is the terrifying moment a woman's car was left damaged by a pride of charging LIONS after they jumped on top of her vehicle at a safari park.

Heart-stopping footage shows the lightening-fast beasts bounding on to the bonnet and roof of the Hyundai i-30 leaving behind a huge paw print-shaped dent.

Abi Tudge, 23, and a friend became shut in the lion enclosure at West Midlands Safari Park in Bewdley, Worcs., when the rangers closed the gates for safety on Wednesday afternoon (21/2).

The pair, who had two children in the back seat, became trapped in the section for around 50 minutes as wardens tried to deal with the "agitated" and "aggravated" animals.