Stranger Things superfan creates Christmas display inspired by the hit Netflix show.

2019-03-08 53

A 'Stranger Things' superfan has been wowing neighbours with his amazing festive lights display inspired by the hit Netflix show. Giles Wallwork, 44, started watching the popular supernatural fiction series - set in Indiana, USA in the 1980s - in the summer after recommendations from pals. Within one week, Giles had worked his way through all eight episodes of the first season and wanted to pay homage to the programme this Christmas. He took inspiration from a scene in which Winona Ryder's character Joyce Byers creates a Ouija-board style display which lights up different letters as a way of communicating with her missing son. The civil servant bought a circuit board as well as red, blue and green LCD lights and two power adaptors for the homemade creation which cost him £50. He taught himself coding and learned how to programme the circuit board so that each letter of 'Merry Christmas' lit up in the correct order with flashing lights