Young Girl Finds Her 'Twin' In A Marks And Spencer's Mannequin

2019-03-08 2

A three-year-old girl found her doppelganger when she went shopping with her mum and found a mannequin in M&S who looked exactly like her. Ava Kinsler, 3, spotted an M&S mannequin wearing the same leggings as her which shared her distinctive blonde curly hair. The youngster was obviously surprised to see her mirror image staring back at her from the display shelves and rushed over shouting “It’s me, it’s me”. Ava and her mum Jo Kinsler, 40, were shopping in M&S in Southend, Essex, when Ava spotted the model. Passers-by told Jo: “You should charge M&S for using her as a model”. Jo said: “A few customers did a double-take at the time, and we thought it was very funny.