Britain’s sweet tooth developed as early as 8000BC

2019-03-08 4

Confectionery historian Tim Richardson has created a timeline to show how our love of sweets has developed over the centuries, with Stone Age cave paintings showing our early ancestors raiding bee hives for honeycomb to get their sweet fix.
And as the years went on, the first lollipops are thought to have been enjoyed way back in 1550AD, gums and pastilles came in during the 1650s while toffee was a little later, in the 1890s.
Boiled sweets, chewing and bubble gum, liquorice, sherbet, marshmallows and the popular ‘A quarter of’ type sweets are also detailed in the timeline, which shows how our sweet-loving taste buds have evolved to enjoy the latest look and style candy. It also shows how old favourites have been redesigned with new flavours and sizes as well as limited editions in more recent years.
‘Sweets: A History of Temptation’ author Tim Richardson created the timeline with Tangerine Confectionery, which is behind classic sweets such as WHAM bars, fruit salads, Flumps, DipDabs and Refreshers, to mark the launch of its new Softies sweets.