British Army reports dramatic decline in number of officer recruits

2019-03-08 2

The British Army has launched a major recruitment drive to attract more officers after recording dwindling numbers of applications from university graduates.

Latest figures show a dramatic slump in numbers of officers recruited, with last year's numbers being the lowest for seven years.

Just 81 per cent of posts were filled for the year 2014/2015, compared to 95 per cent the previous year.

Graduate recruitment to the Armed forces has steadily fallen over the last decade and is now 27 per cent lower than in 2005.

Top brass are concerned about the number of people who do not know that the Army is recruiting - 46 per cent of 14 - 24 year olds.

They are hampered by common misconceptions among the public, from the belief that there are no skilled jobs, to worrying about the risk on the front line or thinking that officers only come from an Oxbridge education.

For the first time in eight years, the Army today launched a national Officer careers 'roadshow', called 'With Heart. With Mind'.

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