Buddy the noisy parrot who is getting complaints from neighbours and the local council

2019-03-08 18

Stephen White, 62, from Kings Lynn in Norfolk who has received a visit from council officials after a neighbour complained about the noise his parrot Buddy was making. Pecked off parrot owner Stephen White is facing legal action because his noisy pet won't SHUT UP. Chatty parrot Buddy, 12, has been driving his neighbour potty by constantly whistling Old MacDonald Had a Farm and the theme tune to the Addams family. The blabber-mouth bird is fond of squawking "Police!" at the top of his tiny lungs - something he learned from watching Police, Camera, Action on the television. He also likes to mimic phone ringtones and squawks "Hello, who's that then?" when he hears a mobile ring. But Buddy's neighbours have had enough - reporting him and 62-year-old owner Stephen, from Kings Lynn, Norfolk, to West Norfolk Council.