Traffic warden jailed for perverting the course of justice

2019-03-08 38

A traffic warden who lied to police about being run over by a motorist he had slapped with a parking ticket has been jailed for intending to pervert the course of justice. Karl Crompton, 43, fabricated an allegation that he was mowed down by a disgruntled driver after the power of being a traffic warden "went to his head." He accused Edward Phipps, 63, of ploughing into him after an angry confrontation outside a pub in Bridgnorth, Shrops, on October 9, 2011. Crompton accused Mr Phipps of driving into his knees causing him to roll across the bonnet after he gave him a ticket for parking in a disabled space. But CCTV obtained from the Jewel of the Severn pub by police proved that no such incident had occurred. Following a four-day trial last month Crompton was found guilty of intending to pervert the course of justice. And yesterday (Fri) he was jailed for four months at Shrewsbury Crown Court.