Book: Trump Boasted About Crowd Size At Rallies In Meeting With Obama After Election Win

2018-05-31 15

According to a book by Ben Rhodes, President Trump boasted about crowd sizes in his meeting with former President Obama after the election win.

A new book by former Obama adviser Ben Rhodes sheds light on some of the discussions between President Trump and former President Barack Obama during their meeting at the White House in 2016.
"The day Mr. Obama hosted Mr. Trump at the White House after the election seemed surreal. Mr. Trump kept steering the conversation back to the size of his rallies, noting that he and Mr. Obama could draw big crowds, but Mrs. Clinton could not, Mr. Rhodes writes," notes the New York Times based on the excerpts from the memoir, "The World as It Is."

As The Hill notes, Trump's fixation on crowd sizes goes back years and is ongoing.
He lashed out at the Times on Wednesday for incorrectly reporting the size of the crowd gathered for his Tuesday night campaign-style speech in Nashville.  "The Failing and Corrupt @nytimes estimated the crowd last night at '1000 people,' when in fact it was many times that number - and the arena was rockin'. This is the way they demean and disparage. They are very dishonest people who don't 'get' me, and never did!" Trump tweeted. 
There's also been quite a bit of controversy over Trump's inauguration crowd size.
The president and his team have been vocal about the number of people who witnessed the event; in fact, former White House press secretary Sean Spicer once declared that it was "the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period." 
However, estimates have placed the figure at a fraction of Obama's first term inauguration crowd.

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