2019-02-21 1

BalconyTV Barcelona Sponsored By//

Estrella Damm

Views// Ohla Hotel

Microphones By// Røde

BALDA performs the song "ESPINAS" for BalconyTV.

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No tots els projectes aconsegueixen escapar a l'etiqueta fàcil dels estils i gèneres musicals. En el cas de Balda, el projecte del porteny Agustín Balda, molts són els matisos; grooves hipnòtics amb melodies que recorden al folk llatinoamericà i les influencies; a vegades venen al cap els moments baixos d'intensitat de The Mars Volta. En qualsevol cas, acompanyat d'en Franco Niella i en Federico Salgado, Balda ens obre una finestra a la seva realitat sonora: tot un món per descobrir.

It is not every musical project that gets to escape our attempts to be classified and labeled with the same old classic and stereotyped cliches and genres. In Balda's case, Argentinian-born Agustin Balda's projects, we find many nuances (mesmerizing grooves with melodic patterns that remind us to those of Latin American folk) and influences (sometimes we think of the softest passages of The Mars Volta). In any case, Balda opens a window to his musical world, an inviting reality, well accompanied by musicians Franco Niella and Federico Salgado.


Production and Direction: clicksound
Sound & Audio post-production: David Garcia
Video: clicksound

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