Advance delegations from North Korea, U.S. arrive in Singapore for talks on potential summit

2018-05-29 2

We begin this morning in Singapore...
Delegations from the U.S. and North Korea have reportedly arrived in the Southeast Asian city state for working-level talks ahead of a possible summit next month between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
A team led by Kim Chang-son , the regime's top logistics and protocol official is said to have landed in Singapore late Monday, local time.
This,... following the arrival earlier in the day of a U.S. delegation led by Joe Hagin, deputy chief of staff for operations at the White House.
On a separate, but complementary track,... the AP is reporting that a "CIA Team," assumed as the CIA Korea Mission Center is meeting with its North Korean counterpart, headed by the regime's Vice Chairman of its Workers' Party Kim Yong-chol .