In-depth: Dr. Song Se-ryun

2018-05-25 1

대담: 송세련 교수님

Let's delve deeper into the rapid developments related to the summit between the North and the U.S.
To help us do that, we have Doctor Song Se-ryun, professor of Law at Kyung Hee university with us in the studio.
Thank you for being with us.

My pleasure.

Fire then aim, seems to be a commonly seen action taken by the larger-than-life American president.
Common sense dictates them worthy of criticism, but Trump is anything but a conventional politician.
Initially the world was shocked, and deeply concerned but it appears to be drawing desired response from Pyongyang.

North Korea appears to suddenly change its tone again when Washington turned its back.
But then we have seen Pyongyang with the tendency to blow hot and cold, send mixed signals time and time again.

Judging by President Moon's surprised reaction to the cancellation, he may have been certain that Trump would not take this path.
During practically every meeting with other leaders, Trump has appeared upset about many things, but he seemed to get along well with the liberal leader.
Does this reflect badly on his performance as mediator?

The traditional ally of the hermit kingdom cannot be excluded from equation in all things related to the North.
How strong is Beijing's influence.
-Which direction would China steer Pyongyang towards
-What can we do to bring out constructive actions from Beijing.

Professor Song Se-ryun, thank you so much for making time for us today.
We appreciate it.