After the finish of today's stage, I finally had a real job to do... I'd like to thank every single person at the Santos Tour Down Under organization. Their har

2018-05-25 2

After the finish of today's stage, I finally had a real job to do... I'd like to thank every single person at the Santos Tour Down Under organization. Their hard work and dedication make it one of the best races in the world. Lots of thanks go also to the fans and spectators in the City of Adelaide and South Australia for their support! This victory goes to you!

Skutočná práca ma nakoniec čakala až po skončení dnešnej etapy m... Chcel by som poďakovať každému jednotlivcovi, ktorý prispel k organizácii Santos Tour Down Under. Ich tvrdá práca a odhodlanie z nich robia jedny z najlepších pretekov na svete. Veľká vďaka za podporu patrí aj fanúšikom a divákom v Južnej Austrálii! Toto víťazstvo je pre vás!

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