5 Daily Habits That Changed My Life in new

2018-05-22 7

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If youre wondering:\r
What habits should be I really be doing to lose my next 10-20 pounds? Read this one: \r
What the heck should I really be eating to get fit? Read this one: \r
How do I get more disciplined? Read this one: \r
How do I find my passion, what should I do with my life, etc.? Read this one: \r
This article & references: \r
----------- TRANSCRIPT --------------\r
Last year, I changed a few habits that dramatically improved my life, in a HUGE way.\r
Sometimes you change just a few small things, and the rewards are enormous.\r
And sometimes, you start doing something new, and it just clicks in your life, and you can instantly tell its something youre going to cultivate for the rest of your life.\r
Here are those five habits I started pricing last year.\r
Habit #1 nightly review\r
Last year, I really got serious about changing my habits surrounding meditation.\r
I just couldnt get myself to break into the habit of REGULAR meditation, despite liking meditation, despite doing it consistently for 10+ years (but not daily), and despite knowing itd help me.\r
I think of it like exercise for the brain - 10 minutes a day is great, but it doesnt produce substantial results unless youre really doing it at least 30 min, 3-5x a week.\r
Thats when you see big results with exercise, and thats when you see big results with meditation.\r
But each day I would wake up late, meditate only a short while, then get frustrated and go to bed, only to repeat the cycle all over again the next day because I wasnt reflecting on what wasnt working.\r
Once I started doing a nightly review at the end of the day, to see what was working and what wasnt, it made me realize:\r
A. I had to force myself up earlier, and\r
B. if it didnt do it in the morning, it wouldnt happen at all.\r
With that new awareness of what wasnt working, I finally became a DAILY meditator. And to me, doing 10 minutes a day is better than 30 minutes irregularly.\r
Consistency is king when it comes to seeing results in life.\r
Habit #2 daily habit tracking\r
Going back to the meditation example, I knew that I had to hold myself more accountable, especially if I wanted to get up to 30 minutes per day.\r
To fix that, I used a habit tracking app to measure my results - and then wrote my scores on a white board next to my bed.\r
So although there was regular checking in throughout the day to make sure I was remembering to do it, the white board next to my bed was a huge win.\r
When I wake up, I do yoga for a few minutes to stretch my back out and then I sit down for my meditation. To make myself super accountable, I installed a whiteboard that covers half of my entire bedroom wall.\r
And on the whiteboard, right near where I sit to meditate, I wrote down two things:\r
A. When I woke up\r
B. How many minutes I meditated today\r
And then I would try to beat those two scores: wake up earlier, and meditate longer.\r
So for example it would look like this:\r
Mon: 7:45 am | Meditate: 10 mins\r
Tues: 7:44 am | Meditate: 11 mins\r
Wed: 7:43 am | Meditate: 12 mins\r
And then each day I would go down by one minute, and contribute that one minute to my meditation time.\r
It wasnt until I started regularly doing this that yes, I ually got up earlier, and I ually contributed that earlier get up time towards my meditation.\r
Habit #3: Morning Visualization Of My Awesome Goals\r
Habit #3 morning visualization\r
I wanted a much better life after moving back from china 3-4 years ago.\r
I started over and moved back in to my parents house in Connecticut - and had no friends, no job, nothing. It was miserable.\r
Every single day I replayed the same drama over and over Ugh, whats the point of all this crap? Whats the point of life? What am I really supposed to be doing?\r
And life hadnt improved much over the past year or two because I wasnt living deliberately, so I began visualizing everything I wanted in my life.\r
I visualized myself finally making friends, going out for drinks, and having a lot more fun rather than being home alone all day...

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