5.19.18 - Gina Haspel, Shooting, Corsi, NKorea, Syria, Vaccines Autism Linked (Again)

2018-05-21 3

▶️ (DL PAGE)amazing evidence for the autism vaccine link, far bigger than Wakefield and it is still being ignored - for now. China —Sun Yat-sen University’s (a Top 10 university in China) Dr. Zhibin Yao is not a household name in the American autism community, but perhaps he should be. Not only is he American-educated (University of Pittsburgh) and the author of 33 peer-reviewed studies, but he’s also the lead author of two of the most important biological studies ever done analyzing how, exactly, a vaccine can cause autism.-Putin: Foreign forces must exit #Syria Alexander Lavrentiev, Putin's special envoy to Syria says this includes #Iran's forces & the Lebanese Hezbollah -Trump To Kim Jong Un: Make A Deal Or I’ll Qaddafi You“The model, if you look at that model with Gaddafi, that was a total decimation. We went in there to beat him. Now that model would take place if we don’t make a deal, most likely. But if we make a deal, I think Kim Jong-un is going to be very, very happy,” Trump said. - Google Removes ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Clause From Its Code of Conduct-Obama’s former DNI Chief James Clapper said Thursday evening on CNN it’s a good thing the Deep State FBI was spying on Trump’s camp.Now of course this is after he initially denied the Intelligence Community was spying on Donald Trump. - another school shooting, in georgia QThere's an image floating of Corsi with Mel Rockefeller..