Rex Tillerson Takes Veiled Shot At Trump: 'If Our Leaders Seek To Conceal The Truth,' We Start To Relinquish Our Freedom

2018-05-16 10

Rex Tillerson issued a stark warning for Americans at a recent speech.

Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson appeared to take a lightly veiled shot at President Trump on Wednesday while delivering a commencement speech at the Virginia Military Institute. "The central tenet of a free society, a free people, is access to the truth, a government structure, and a societal understanding that freedom to seek the truth is the very essence of freedom itself," Tillerson said. "If our leaders seek to conceal the truth or we as people become accepting of alternative realities that are no longer grounded in facts, then we as American citizens are on a pathway to relinquishing our freedom," he added. 
Trump has been described by some as having a troubled relationship with the truth.
Among them is former FBI Director James Comey, who described Trump as being "untethered to truth" in his book "A Higher Loyalty." According to the Washington Post, the president made roughly 3,000 claims that are either false or misleading between the time he took office and May 1 of this year.
Trump fired Tillerson in March following months of reported tensions between the two men.