Kitesurfing Tutorial: Self launching and landing your kite safely

2018-05-15 7

How to safely self launch and land your kite? \r
This video tutorial will show you how to safely self launching and landing your kite when there is no one to help you.\r
Precaution before attempting: \r
1. Make sure there are no people or obstruction on down wind.\r
2. Do not attempt to self launch and land on very gusty and strong wind conditions.\r
Self launching:\r
1. Find a solid anchor like a pole or a stick planted deep in the ground\r
2. Hook or fix your chicken loop to the anchor and walk towards your kite on upwind side of your lines.\r
3. Fly your kite at the edge of wind window. Rest the side of your kite on the ground. Make sure your kite is stable before walking back to your kite.\r
4. Once your kite is stable, release the chicken loop from the anchor and hook it onto your harness.\r
5. Slowly pull the kite up.\r
Self Landing:\r
1. Slowly walk to the anchor while flying your kite at edge of wind window.\r
2. Position and stable your kite resting on ground. \r
3. Once it is stable, fix your chicken loop to the anchor.\r
4. Walk to your kite on upwind side of your lines.\r
5. Finally rest your kite on ground.\r
Safety note:\r
Kitesurfing alone can be very dangerous when you are not familiar with the surrounding. Avoid kiting in unfamiliar environment alone. If you still wish to kite alone, please let someone know.\r
Created by Daniel Leow