_China & Pacific Rim Markets _ Compliance Processes for Life Science Products

2018-05-15 2

China & Pacific Rim Markets : Compliance Processes for Life Science Products - Company Establishment, Clinical Trials, Registrations, Renewals and Supply Chain Considerations (COM) A
For more information: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/china-pacific-rim-market-com-a-tickets-50682148671?aff=RMV

China & Pacific Rim Markets : Compliance Processes for Life Science Products - Company Establishment, Clinical Trials, Registrations, Renewals and Supply Chain Considerations

This course specifically focuses on the overall regulatory compliance requirements and procedures for Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Biologics and Combination Products in China and the listed Pacific Rim Countries* (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam & Thailand).

Learning Objectives:
This course will provide training on:

The current Regulatory Structure.

Understanding the specific procedures for Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Biologics and Combination Products.

How to begin your company’s involvement in-country: local licenses, personnel and facilities required.

Clinical Trials: Why consider Country X? CTA requirements, the Application Process, CRO Selection and Start-up.

The current key regulations effecting product development and your company's product pipeline.

Pricing establishment.


Who will Benefit:
This course will be beneficial to the following personnel whose responsibilities require knowledge of these Emerging Markets' regulatory requirements for Life Science products:

Regulatory, Quality, Manufacturing, Global Business Development and General Management personnel whose responsibilities require local knowledge of regulatory, quality and import / export requirements


Please contact the event manager Marilyn below for the following:
- Discounts for registering 5 or more participants.
- If your company requires a price quotation.
Event Manager Contact: marilyn.b.turner(at)nyeventslist.com
You can also contact us if you require a visa invitation letter, after ticket purchase.
We can also provide a certificate of completion for this event if required.

For more information: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/china-pacific-rim-market-com-a-tickets-50682148671?aff=RMV

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