Europa's plumes make Jupiter moon a prime candidate for life

2018-05-15 1

목성의 달 유로파 기둥에서 새로운 발견… 생명이 살 수 있는 유력한 후보지

NASA announced one of Jupiter's moons, Europa, could actually sustaining life.
According to the space agency, a new study on old data showed a probe sent to explore the moon flew through an enormous plume of water shot from the surface.
The spacecraft named Galileo was on its fly-by in 1997 when it detected the plume nearly 200 kilometers above the moon's surface.
Elizabeth Turtle, a planetary scientist, said in a briefing... this could mean there is a chance to be able to break into the ice and collect liquid samples from Europa's ocean.
Europa is considered to be one of the prime candidates for life in the solar system.