Filmer captures ‘astonishing’ sight of massive flock of birds in synchronized flight

2018-05-14 10

A massive flock of birds made an incredible rush of noise as they flapped their wings together in synchronized flight at Kruger National Park in South Africa, on May 1, 2018.

“It was during a late afternoon safari in Kruger National Park that we came across a sight that was truly astonishing,” the filmer said. “At first, we were lured by a loud blowing sound in the distance.”

“On closer inspection, we came across an enormous colony of birds called red-billed queleas,” the filmer continued. “The almost perfect synchronization in flight coupled with the noise of thousands of these birds moving together was an unbelievable sight.”

“These queleas are locally abundant, intensely gregarious and strongly nomadic. These birds came to visit Kruger Park for only one reason: to feed on the seeds of grasses and cereals at the end of summer.”

“These birds move in masses and one colony can contain up to 500,000 birds with an average of 300,000 birds in a colony.”

“During flight, the queleas amazingly respond to a change in direction by just one of their members and collectively they manage the most perfectly synchronized flight, appearing as ever-changing dark shapes over the grassy plains of Kruger Park.”

“The sight and sounds of this wonder was indeed a very memorable experience.”