Back Pain, Lower Back Treatment “Building Core Strength”

2018-05-14 1

Insync Physiotherapy
4580 Hastings St #204
Burnaby, BC V5C 2K4 

Lie on the ground with the stability ball under your heels with your legs straight and your toes pointing up. Engage your inner core muscles below the belly button. Then extend your hips by squeezing your butt and lifting it off the ground. Then bring the ball in towards you by flexing your knees and hold for a second and then straighten your legs back to the start position while keeping your butt up and hips extended. Keep your inner core engaged the entire time. Start by doing 3 sets of 10 repetitions and then progressing it to 3 sets of 15 to 20 repetition 4 times per week. This is great for building core stability to keep your low back strong when you have chronic back pain. If you are experiencing acute low back pain or unsure please consult your Physiotherapist before doing this exercise.