Last year I ruined the day, but this time around we're back with my Porsche 911 GT3 to drive the famed 'Red Rock Road' properly! With tunnels galore and the engine screaming away to 9,000rpm, the moment deserves cinematic appreciation - hope you enjoy it!
During the trip to the Red Rock Road in 2017 with my McLaren 675LT Spider, it ran into a spot of bother due to a thermostat that became defective. That sadly meant at the very foot of the road it was no longer good to continue and we had to turn back. This time around history nearly repeated itself with my AMG GT R suffering intercooler issues that have caused a leak, however the Porsche GT3 is up and running and the road was ready to be driven!
With the most incredibly stunning scenery, combined with a snaking road loaded with twists, turns and tunnels, it's the perfect location to enjoy a precision tool like the 911 GT3. Known as the 'Red Rock Road', the D2202 is about 1 hour inland from Nice. In one direction there are 17 tunnels, in the other there are 8, making it perfection to enjoy the sound of this engine.
Huge props goes to the one and only BenzeneBen for the most epic edit ever on the Shmee150 channel - he deserves a follow:
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Thanks for watching, Tim
Song: Air to the Throne - Doug Maxwell