Former Defense Secretary Gates: Trump's Tweets And Tough Talk Helped Pave The Way For North Korea Talks

2018-05-14 10

Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates says President Trump's "unpredictability" and "tough talk" played a role in bringing North Korea to the table for discussions on denuclearization.

Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who worked under the Bush and Obama administrations, says President Trump's "unpredictability" and "tough talk" played a role in bringing North Korea to the table for discussions on denuclearization.
"I think that the unpredictability, in terms of some of the tweets and some of the tough talk, did get the attention of the North Koreans and the Chinese as well -- in terms of 'fire and fury' and so on," Gates said during an appearance on CBS News' "Face the Nation." "My view is generally that tactical unpredictability is good and is an asset; strategic unpredictability is probably not a good idea for a great power."
Two weeks ago, Democratic Representative Adam Schiff also credited President Trump's "unpredictability" and "bellicosity" for helping to make progress with North Korea. 
The ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee said on ABC News' 'This Week,' "I think it's more than fair to say that the combination of the president's unpredictability and indeed, his bellicosity had something to do with the North Koreans deciding to come to the table." 
"But before the president takes too much credit or hangs out the mission accomplished banner, he needs to realize that we may go into a confrontational phase and he may not want the full blame if things go south," Schiff added. 
Gates' remarks come weeks prior to Trump's planned meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in June.
 "The highly anticipated meeting between Kim Jong Un and myself will take place in Singapore on June 12th. We will both try to make it a very special moment for World Peace!" Trump tweeted on Thursday.