Psychology of Motivation - How to Get Motivated using Psychological Insight and Tricks

2018-05-13 4

How to get motivated using some psychological tricks and being self-aware to use your passions to drive you. Tai Lopez has mentioned that there are four main Ms of motivation: Money, Mating, Mastery, and Momentum. Another thing I would like to add is that you need to develop self awareness to know which one of these motivates you, and then not judge yourself. If what motivates you to lift weights is the increased attention from girls, then so be it. If we cant rely on motivation to carry us through, then we need something else. And that something else is discipline. Conviction is also a huge psychological motivator, and you need to understand that this type of motivation is push-driven. It is the opposite of fear and can help you achieve great things in your life. \r
Motivation will get us started, but discipline will keep us going. Now discipline is a big and scary word that reminds you of school, but it doesnt have to be that. You only need discipline until you form a habit, and that usually takes around 2 months. There are people who have a seemingly endless source of motivation that keeps them plowing through whatever obstacles they face. Then there are people, and I used to be one of them, who cant seem to get motivated by anything. The best tip I can give you is to be self-aware and to find out what drives you the best. \r
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