Strange Archaeological Discoveries

2018-05-13 50

From mysterious dinosaurs discovered to strange mummified people, these are 25 of the strangest archaeological discoveries!\r
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15. These ancient Roman soldiers lived about 2,0000 years ago and were thought to the first victims of chemical warfare; a petrochemical reion has dissolved their lungs.\r
14. Saksaywaman is located on the outskirts of Perus. The site is well-known for its extraordinary large dry stone walls with boulders that carefully cut to fit together tightly without mortar. The stones that were used in the construction of Saksaywaman weigh up to 200 tons. The stones used are among the biggest used in prehispanic America. The site is so perfectly constructed that it remains a mystery.\r
13. In new Archaeologists in Spain found the remains of a family of 12 neandrathols. Their bones told a tale of a ghastly discovery. The Researchers identified markings on the bones that demonstrate the unmistakable signs of cannibal ivity. The group was more than likely killed by their peers and then eaten.\r
12. The Acámbaro figures were found in 1944 in Mexico. The small statues are believed to be prehistoric representations of what could be dinosaurs. Researchers have attempted to date them and every time the results have come back inconclusive. Some people believe they could be proof that humans and dinosaurs once coexisted together.\r
11. The Baghdad Batter were found near Seleucia on the Tigris river. The name was given to three artifs that could be used to make a simple battery. Among the artifs were a ceramic pot and two metal rods. The belief is that a mixture of wine, lemon juice, grape juice, and vinegar could be used to make a battery.\r
10. Archaeologists uncovered a site that is approximately over 12,000 years old in Alaska. The site was that of a simple home but in the home, they found the remains of a three-year-old girl in the hearth. What could have happened to in the home to the girl to be found in the hearth?\r
9. Archaeologists unearthed thousands of Stone Age underground tunnels in new. The labyrinth stretched across Europe from Scotland to Turkey. The tunnels have confused scientist as to the possible purpose and were dug under hundreds of Neolithic settlements.\r
8. There are over three hundred petrospheres found all over the place in Costa Rica. They are attributed to the extinct Diquís culture but the reason why they placed them about remains unknown.\r
7. These great designs are found in Perus Nazca Desert were made by the careful removal of individual stones and layers of the earth. The designs were created between 500 BCE and 500 CE by the Nazca culture, some the designs are as far as 660 feet across.\r
6. The still and ominous Moai of Easter Island are an assembly of monolithic humanoid sculptures thought to have been produced sometime between 1250 and 1500 CE. No one knows how the 887 statues were made or how they were placed onto the coastline. The tallest sculpture is 33 feet high and weighs over 75 tons.\r
5. This obelisk the one of the largest stone ever quarried, and undoubtedly about the same size as the unfinished stone at Baalbek, Lebanon. This obelisk would have been bigger than any ever raised if it was finished. It was carved directly from the bedrock.\r
4. Mohenjo-Daro is located in Sindh, Pakistan, and dated around 2500 BCE. The city is one of the oldest urban areas are known to man and at one point, it held over 40,000 people.\r
3. This skull is thought to be over 4,000 years old, and some people believe it belongs to one of the first known victims of leprosy. The body was buried far from any other known site burial site and was not cremated, as was the custom of the indigenous people.\r
2. The mystery of the origins of Chinas Longyou Grottoes is perplexing because it was not mentioned in any historical texts. The labyrinth is carved from siltstone and dated around the Qin dynasty.\r
1. Located in Newfoundland, Canada, there are 1,000-year-old Viking settlements that predate Columbus coming to America by hundreds of years.

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